Monday, February 27, 2012


I am a worrier. I worry about everything. I worry that my weight loss is going to be derailed by a number of things, most recently, I just started on a new birth control pill. And of course the day that I start it I go look at all the reviews online and they freak me out....have I made the wrong choice to switch? Have I chosen the wring ine ti switch to? Will this cause me to gain weight even though I've been on a similar pull for 10 years? Will I become moodier or depressed? How will that have an impact on my surgery in a month, when they saw depression is also normal post op? And now, of course I'm starting to panic but also telling myself everyone is different. What happened to others wont necessarily happen to me.

So I'm trying to focus on the good. I had a good week last week and despite my scale (which has now been taken away by my Jenny consultant) I dropped a pound.

The gym at my place recently got a tv so it's made using the treadmill much more enjoyable. I started interval training last night and it was the first tome I have actually run. It felt good and Im a little sore today. I also got on turbo sculpt in yesterday so Im feeling pretty good about that.

There was a twitter debate last night during the Oscar awards. Many people were making fun of Angelina Jolie for being too thin. What a turn around. People believe its ok to make jokes about "give that woman some cake!" or the "#feedangelina" campaign. Why is it suddenly ok to make fun of thin people but not ok to make fun of fat people? Why is it ok to make fun of people at all? Why cant we let people feel they want to feel, look the way they want to look? I don't pretend to know Angelina or her weight, but at her height of 5'6" she should be about 110-130lbs. But their are more important things to look at...what is her waist to hip ratio. She may well be very happy and healthy and love the way she looks and feels. Isn't that the important thing? That someone is happy and healthy, despite how they look?

Di people think the "give her cake" comments are any less hurtful than is someone had said "take away her cake" about someone that is fat?

Ok enough ranting! So I decided to post a couple pictures of my Jenny food. The first is my Sat morning treat to reward myself for a great week and motivate me to stay on plan, its french toast with extra berries. Second is lunch, meatball stuffed sandwish and carrots.

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