Saturday, March 24, 2012

Mixed Emotions

So I just finished up with my Jenny Craig weigh in. I'm down another 1.5 lbs! For the first time I feel confident that I can actually stay under 150 lbs. I'm so close to my halfway mark I can almost taste it...1.5 lbs to go! Then another 11 to go!

Ad happy as I am about that I'm a little sad. The surgery that I initially started all this for, was cancelled and now I have to begin the entire process again. It sucks and Im sad but I know in my heart it was the right decision.

With that hard sad news though I cam focus on a few other parts of my life like school and doing some of the things I wanted to do before my very big, very scary birthday at the end of May!

Oh and just one fan girl moment I wanna mention? So I do the Turbo Jam videos 5 times a week and there's this one chick that I'm always watching (cuz, shit Chalene is just too damn fast for someone uncoordinated like me!) her name is Mindy, from Texas who reminds me of my friend Mindy who is also from Texas lol! Anyway I tweeted Mindy from Texas a few days ago thanking her for keeping me motivated and going, which honest to god Cardio Party kicks my ass every single freaking time lol! She didn't tweet back BUT she IS following me! Yea I know, stupid right? But seriously, Chalene Turbo Jam, Mindy and Beachbody have so been a contributing factor in my weight loss and in helping me build, although not perfect, self confidence. If you want to check put Mindy and Chalene their twitter handles are @MindyLawhorne and @ChaleneJohnson. If you ever need motivation these two are definitely perfect for that!

Hope everyone is healthy and happy!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy day!

Happy St Patrick's day!

Whew what a day! I just got back from my weigh in...which after last week's devastating .6 lb loss, I wasn't feeling any more confident this week. I got up feeling crampy and bloaty and just genuinely tired.

I got to Jenny and slowly walked ti the giant scale at the end of the hall. It felt like i was on a death march, ever step took forever and all I could see was my enemy staring back at me, getting larger and larger the closer I got. Closing my eyes and stepping up i heard the magic words "you're down a lb!"

That means I am this close to being below close I could almost taste it!

Next was the 2 month measurement. I wasn't feeling overly confident here either but it turns out I'm down an additional 7 inches. And the part that made me cry? Well I now have a 29" waist! Under 30"! When was the last time I had that?!

So I'm on Day 4 (since I refuse to exercise on Fridays! Fridays are pub night! But for me now its not beer, it's green tea! Plus it was actually patio weather! Patio weather, in MARCH!?) sorry, 3 of Turbo Jam Turbo slim. It's 10 days 2 days of cardio party and 1 day of turbo sculpt, repeat. So far so good.

So, to finish up, in honor of St Patty's day, here's a picture of my mani this week. It is one coat China Glaze Outta Bounds and 2 coats OPI fresh frog of bel air!

Hope everyone is happy, healthy and make sure you enjoy a green beer for me! (just don't puke in public places though...eww!)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Full of happy!

This week I reconnected with some great, supportive friends who reminded me I'm really not alone and there are people out there who do, truly care about me. A much needed boost, of course now I miss them and wish we weren't so far away! Sometimes virtual hugs, as great as they are, just aren't enough! Someday, if I ever win the lottery, we're all gonna get together, all of us and have one big ol' party! Lol

I just got done with my weigh in at Jenny and I'm down my biggest weekly loss so far, 2 lbs. Bringing to total to, I think 7...maybe 8.

So the successes of the week...I got this great new workout series called Yoga booty ballet. It is soo fun. If you're looking for a great work put that's fun but not too intense, I would totally recommend this one! There are 6 different dvds so there's a great variety. So far I've done the Light & Easy, Burlesque & bollywood style dvds. Bollywood isn't my personal fav, but it's still cool. Not gonna lie, I suck at them because they are super fast, but it's so fun!

Also, I ran on the treadmill for the first time this week. I still don't love running lol.

I successfully ate out last night with friends. I had a mixed garden salad with chicken. It's a weird salad because in addition to all the other veggies it also had potatoes, a hard boiled egg and dollups of herb goat d
cheese. I ate the egg and 1 tsp of goat cheese and 1/2 the chicken. Apparently that was good. It tasked good too!

I also got rid of some toxic people and situations that were stressing, and quite honestly, pissing me off. It feels so much better, lighter without them in my life. I think this yoga thing might be helping my mind and soul after all, lol.

Hope everyone is staying happy abd healthy!